Tuesday, 15 December 2020
Back to lockdown
Friday, 4 December 2020
Solidarity during lockdown
There are plenty of ways to help others
Support arts and culture
Sign a petition
Donate to a charity
Human Rights Film Festival Berlin
Saturday, 28 November 2020
Life in “lockdown light” – week 4
Lockdown light is not having the desired effect.
As we’re coming to the end of week four of lockdown light, it’s become increasingly evident that while the restrictive measures are working in most parts of Germany, the number of Covid-19 cases in Berlin continues to rise. In some districts, namely, Neukölln and Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg, the number of new infections has increased by as much as 60% in spite of the partial lockdown. Berliners, it would seem, are undisciplined. That doesn’t surprise me at all. As I’ve observed before, the main streets and shopping malls are crowded. Incredibly, some people are not even aware of the rules limiting social contacts.
Until recently the weather in Berlin had been fairly mild, but now it’s typical November weather. It’s cold and grey and some days it’s difficult to tell the difference between night and day. Nevertheless, people in Berlin don’t like to stay at home. Although Christmas markets are not allowed to open this year, there are alternatives. Kiosks selling Glühwein or mulled wine have popped up in several parts of the city. I’ve even seen a Vietnamese restaurant with a stall on the pavement selling Glühwein.
The current partial lockdown measures have been prolonged until 20 December and there has been some toughening of restrictions. For instance, only two households are allowed to meet up, with a maximum of five people (it used to be 10) both indoors and outdoors. But while in the rest of Germany there will be an easing of the lockdown rules to allow gatherings of up to 10 family members and friends during the Christmas holidays, in Berlin there will be no change. Luckily for large families, children under the age of 12 are excluded from these calculations. In Berlin it is not unusual to see families with four children. Having three children is almost the norm these days.
Talking of Christmas, the Advent season begins on Sunday. In Germany the tradition is to light the first of the four candles of the Adventskranz or advent wreath on the fourth Sunday before Christmas. Although you can buy them in flower shops or even supermarkets, for the past three years we’ve been making our own Adventskranz. It’s not difficult to make, but it helps if you have the right tools: a straw ring (the base), twigs, green wire (for fixing the twigs to the ring), candles, candle holders and anything you might like to use as decoration. Usually, families and friends get together on the four Sundays preceding Christmas and sit at the table with the advent wreath in the middle to drink tea or Glühwein and eat Christmas biscuits, or Plätzchen. This year, Advent season won’t be quite the same.
Finally, I have a new Netflix recommendation. It’s an animated short film called If Anything Happens I Love You. It’s only 12 minutes long, mostly in black and white, with no dialogue, but it’s extremely powerful and moving.
Friday, 20 November 2020
Life in “lockdown light” – week 3
Be a couch potato, be a hero.
Friday, 13 November 2020
Life in “lockdown light” – week 2
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Mexico City or Berlin? |
When the partial lockdown was announced, it was supposed to be in place for at least four weeks, but it may well last longer. We should find out more on Monday 16 November, when Angela Merkel is due to hold a meeting with regional leaders to discuss the current situation. Meanwhile, the number of Covid infections in Germany continues to rise, but at least the reproduction number (or R value) has fallen below 1 – a positive sign. However, these figures may be misleading as the testing strategy has changed since early November. Patients with colds no longer get tested, because the testing capacity is stretched, so we might be comparing apples with pears.
The Christmas season will feel very different this year. Christmas markets are one of the staples of the festive season in Germany, but many have been cancelled. In Berlin, the traditional Christmas markets at Gendarmenmarkt and Schloss Charlottenburg, as well as the Lucia-Weihnachtsmarkt and the Alt-Rixdorfer Weihnachtsmarkt, won’t be happening this year. The Christmas Garden has also been cancelled. Where will we drink our Glühwein (mulled wine) and eat our waffles with cinnamon sugar, just to mention a couple of the delicacies on sale at the markets? The simple answer is - at home. I guess I will have to invest in a waffle-maker, or my son will be disappointed.
The most awaited news since the beginning of the pandemic came from Mainz, where the German company BioNTech is based. Together with US pharmaceutical giant Pfizer, they announced that their jointly developed vaccine is 90% effective in preventing people from getting Covid, according to early results from Phase 3 trials. This news was welcomed all over the world: hope is in sight! BioNTech was founded by husband-and-wife team Prof Sahin and Dr Türeci, both children of Turkish immigrants, or Gastarbeiter, as they are called in Germany (literally “guest workers”). Tell that to AfD voters! In case you don’t know, AfD is a far-right anti-immigrant party.
If you are looking for Netflix recommendations, the series The Queen’s Gambit is one of the best I’ve seen recently. It’s about chess, but don’t be put off by that. It’s very stylish and beautifully shot. Although the action takes place in the US, Mexico City, Paris and Moscow, many of the scenes were actually filmed in Berlin. Filming locations include the Bode Museum, the Friedrichstadt-Palast (pictured), Rathaus Spandau, the Palais am Funkturm, the Berlin zoo, several locations on Karl-Marx Allee in Friedrichshain, including the bar at Kino International, and even the Humana secondhand and vintage shop at Frankfurter Tor. It might feel like Paris or Moscow in the late 1960s, but don’t be fooled, it’s Berlin!
Sunday, 8 November 2020
Life in “lockdown light” – week 1
The first week of “lockdown light”, as it’s being called in Germany, is almost over. Compared with the first lockdown in the spring, when almost everything was closed, this is only a partial lockdown. Meetings are restricted to two households (a maximum of 10 people), both indoors and outdoors, and if you meet someone from a different household you must keep a distance of 1.5 m. Cafes and restaurants can only open for takeaway (thus producing more rubbish than ever, but they need our support to keep going). Bars, cinemas, theatres, operas, concert halls, museums, fitness and yoga studios, swimming pools, nail bars, beauty salons, tattoo studios, etc. have been closed since Monday 2 November. Unlike the previous lockdown, all shops and hairdressers are open, as are libraries and playgrounds, though the number of people allowed inside a shop is limited.
Crucially schools and nurseries remain open and are not expected to close unless the situation worsens dramatically. As I mentioned before, there is a stage-plan for Berlin schools based on the Corona Ampel, or traffic-light coronavirus-warning system for the city. The Covid situation for each school and district is assessed at the end of the week and parents are informed of the required measures before the start of the following week. At the moment, face masks don’t need to be worn inside classrooms in primary schools, but if the traffic lights were to change that would be the next step. I was surprised to find out that swimming lessons will still take place, as they are part of the school curriculum in year 3, even though pools are closed to everyone else.
Thus, this lockdown affects primarily the leisure, culture, beauty and catering sectors. Some argue that the closure of shopping malls would have been preferable to shutting down the arts and culture sector, but the government reckons that we tend to socialise more when we go out to the cinema or to the theatre than when we go shopping. The aim of the lockdown is to reduce social contacts by a significant amount to slow the spread of Covid-19. Even though it isn’t as restrictive as the previous one, the word lockdown has very negative connotations. Some of us still have nightmares from the previous lockdown. Others might have coped well the first time round but may be feeling low this time. Of course, the colder weather and shorter days don’t help, at least in the northern hemisphere.
If you are currently living in full or partial lockdown, here are some more suggestions to help you get through these difficult times.
Make sure you take care of both your mental and physical wellbeing. The two often go hand in hand. It’s normal to feel anxious or worried at this time. If you are experiencing severe anxiety, panic attacks, or other symptoms make sure you seek help. Talk to a friend about how you feel and consult a doctor and/or a psychologist. They can help you.
Try to get out as much as possible and exercise regularly. Walking, running or cycling are all great ways to keep active, especially in nature. Head to your local park, forest, lake, beach, hill or mountain. Even though fitness centres and swimming pools are closed, there are alternatives. For example, I’ve gone back to yoga and pilates lessons via Zoom. Although it’s not the same as exercising in a room with other people, there are significant benefits to digital exercise.
Try to find distractions to help you switch off from all the negative and worrying news. This week the cliffhanger “US presidential election 2020” has provided a welcome source of distraction and entertainment. I can’t wait for Netflix to make the second season! What’s that? Are you seriously suggesting this is not a tv-series, it’s for real?
Here are some other suggestions: read a book, watch a film, listen to music, bake a cake, look after your plants or buy a plant, call a friend, whatever helps you relax.
Meanwhile, the list of recommendations to avoid the spread of Covid-19 gets longer and longer, as I discovered while cycling past this advertising board the other day.
It used to be AHA, an abbreviation that stood for distance, hygiene and masks. Now it’s:
• Keep a distance
• Wash your hands
• Wear a mask
• Ventilate regularly
• Reduce contacts
• Use the app
Just to give you an idea of what they mean by “ventilate regularly”, classrooms need to be aired every half hour. That means opening all the windows, as well as the door, for five minutes every 30 minutes. As the weather gets colder, schools and parents are considering investing in air filters for each classroom to avoid freezing when the winter really hits. Of course, the most effective air filters tend to be a lot more expensive. I’m waiting to see if they find a solution.
Sunday, 1 November 2020
The much-delayed airport has opened with hardly any flights and passengers
At last Berlin has a new airport, but it couldn’t have come at a worse time.
When I first heard that the long-awaited airport would be finally opening its doors to the public on 31 October 2020 my reaction was: "I’ll believe it when I see it". The second was: "Halloween, the spookiest day of the year. What a bizarre choice of date". At that time, we still had no idea that the world would be turned upside down by a global pandemic caused by a coronavirus.
As Germany braces itself for a second, albeit “lighter” lockdown, BER airport opened on Saturday with only about six scheduled arrivals and amid climate protests. On the one hand, it’s hard to believe that they actually managed to finish it. I have to admit that I had my doubts as to whether it would ever be completed. On the other hand, you can’t help but think that the timing of it is a joke.
The opening gala had to be cancelled because of the growing number of Covid cases in Berlin and in Germany. Though it wouldn’t have been a big party anyway. Apparently, the managers and engineers of the airport felt too embarrassed to celebrate the over 8-year long fiasco.
Meanwhile, the list of countries and regions at high Covid risk (in German Risikogebiete, as compiled by the Robert Koch Institute) is getting longer and longer, meaning that if you go on holiday almost anywhere in the world you now have to go into quarantine on return. Moreover, from Monday 2 November the whole of Germany is going into partial lockdown and travelling is strongly discouraged.
For the past years Berlin has been a laughing stock because of its airport. I’m afraid it will take a long time for it to turn its image around.
Monday, 26 October 2020
The dark times are coming
Summer time is officially over. On Sunday we turned back the clocks, so this means that it is now a little lighter in the mornings, but over the next few weeks it will be getting darker and darker in the afternoons. This is not a good prospect, considering that we are currently facing the second wave of coronavirus and things are only expected to get worse.
Saturday, 3 October 2020
How to run a successful crowdfunding campaign
Was it worth it?
Is there anything I wish I had known beforehand?
What was the best part of the crowdfunding campaign?
Tips on how to run a successful crowdfunding campaign
Friday, 25 September 2020
A tricky telephone conversation
Saturday, 5 September 2020
Aha! The new normal
Some of us were lucky enough to enjoy a proper summer break, perhaps even going abroad, while others opted for a staycation. For most of us, though, the holiday time is over and it’s back to old routines, well not quite. The new normal in Germany is represented by the AHA rules. In this case Aha is not an exclamation to express satisfaction or surprise - Aha! So that’s how you defeat coronavirus! - and it also doesn’t stand for alpha-hydroxy acid. Moreover, it doesn't refer to the Norwegian pop band that was popular in the eighties (Take on meee!). In the year 2020, AHA is an abbreviation of Abstand (distance), Hygiene (hygiene) and Alltagsmasken (daily masks).
Going back to school
While children around the world are returning to school or are preparing to go back to school in the coming weeks, here in Berlin children have already completed their fourth week of school. The first week was dedicated to learning the AHA rules obviously. Apart from the compulsory masks, the social distancing (not in classrooms) and hygiene rules, school here is pretty much back to normal. We even managed to have an Elternabend or parents’ evening (a general meeting about the class) in the assembly hall, where we were all sitting 2m apart and wearing masks.
It's virus time
As life gradually returns to normal, albeit under the AHA rules, and recreational and cultural activities pick up, what can we expect? Viruses of course! However much we wash our hands and keep away from crowded places, viruses will reach us, especially if we spend time with children. As GPs and paediatricians are keen to point out, there are plenty of viruses out there, in addition to the infamous one.
After three weeks of school, the first virus made its way into our home, in the form of a sore throat, runny nose and fever. I spent last weekend wondering whether it was coronavirus and where to get tested. When I finally managed to get through to the paediatrician to ask for advice on the following Monday, it became clear that a Covid-19 test would not be required. Luckily, it wasn’t a serious infection and it cleared up after a few days. In the area where I live, it seems that the only way to get a free test without a long wait is to return from a Risikogebiet, i.e. a region at risk. When I started sneezing and feeling under the weather, my husband suggested booking a cheap return flight to Spain so that I could get tested. The alternative would be a private test in Berlin that costs €158,65. Sunshine and tapas here I come!
On a serious note, check the guidelines for your country or region. If you live in Berlin and your child is ill, this PDF by the Berlin Senate Department for Education, Youth and Family explains what to do.
Saturday, 11 July 2020
Flying in the time of coronavirus
Cancelled flights, concerns about the safety of air travel, worries about the rise in the number of Covid-19 infections at destination and the eventuality of quarantine on return mean that flying in the time of coronavirus can be a nightmare. It is not surprising therefore that many people have decided not to go abroad this summer. Others, meanwhile, have opted to travel by car to avoid being in close contact with potentially infectious travellers.
Is it safe to fly?
If you don’t fancy the prospect of driving 2,500 Km or more to visit your family, flying is probably the fastest and safest option, albeit not the most environmentally friendly. According to experts, if you consider various forms of travel, such as bus and train, the risk of Covid transmission inside an aircraft cabin might actually be the lowest. This is because planes use a hepa (high-efficiency particulate air) filter that ensures air inside the cabin is either fresh or recirculated. However, the risk increases if the plane is full, especially if you are sitting next to someone who is infected.
Will my flight be cancelled?
Bearing all this in mind, my family and I set off for Berlin’s Tegel airport by taxi on a bright sunny morning at the end of June. We all wore face masks, including the taxi driver, and we had the car window open to let in a steady breeze. I carried a selection of spare masks in my hand luggage, as well as travel-size hand sanitiser and disinfectant – the essential items when travelling in the coronavirus era. We had already had one set of flights cancelled by Lufthansa in June (only 12 days after booking – we are still waiting for a refund, as are thousands of others) and, right up until boarding, I had doubts about whether our Swiss flights actually existed and whether we would make our connecting flight in Zurich.
Will social distancing be possible?
When we arrived at the airport, Tegel was almost deserted and most of the shops were closed. The queue at the bag drop was much shorter than usual, and passengers generally observed the mask-wearing and physical distancing rules. Once we got to our gate, it became more difficult to keep a distance from others, as more people arrived, so we moved upstairs, where we found fewer people and more comfortable seats. When the announcement to board the plane was made, the airport staff made the usual distinction between business and economy passengers, but other than that we were all called to board at the same time. It was difficult to maintain a physical distance, especially when queuing in the jet-bridge, but at least everyone was wearing a mask.
What happens on board?
Once on board, we were greeted by the mask-wearing crew and we were given a disinfectant wipe. The idea is for passengers to disinfect all surfaces close to their seat. We were also given a questionnaire to fill out with our contact and travel details, including our seat number on the plane. According to the airline Swiss, “where possible, neighbouring seats will be kept vacant”, but both our planes were full and, as far as we could tell, there were very few free seats. Swiss has a “modified and partly reduced onboard service”, which “aims at reducing the number of physical interactions between crew and guests”. As both our flights were over 45 minutes, there was a reduced beverage service and on our second flight we were given a snack. There were no Duty-Free sales though. Zurich airport was busier than Tegel, as there were more flights departing. Most shops were closed, but we were able to buy sandwiches.
Are the regulations the same in other EU and Schengen countries?
I’ve already written about the confusion caused by the contradictory information regarding Covid. To add to the confusion, when you travel abroad, you discover that each country has different regulations about face masks and physical distance. For instance, at Zurich airport wearing a face mask is not compulsory, but passengers are encouraged to wear one if a 1.5 m distance cannot be observed. As we were queuing to board our flight to Palermo, we heard an announcement about larger pieces of hand luggage to be placed in the hold.
What are the regulations when travelling to Italy?
The Italian National Civil Aviation Authority (ENAC) has prohibited the use of overhead lockers. Small handbags are still allowed, as long as they can be placed under the seat in front of you. The measure is intended to facilitate boarding and disembarking and avoid the formation of crowds. Once on board, we were advised to wear our protective masks. They are compulsory on all Edelweiss flights, “whenever social distancing is not possible”. After take-off, there was another announcement, presumably as we were now flying over Italian airspace: in Italy it is mandatory to wear a protective mask on airplanes at all times. We were also given a self-certification form to fill out declaring we were not suffering from Covid or subject to quarantine. When we landed in Palermo, we disembarked as usual and walked into the terminal, where our body temperature was scanned. After waiting an hour for our luggage, we discovered that 55 suitcases were missing, including ours. Apparently, there had been a problem at Zurich airport. Two days later, after having our body temperature scanned three times at different points in Palermo airport and after a security check, we were finally able to collect our luggage.
Do I need to quarantine?
If you travel to Italy from other EU and Schengen countries there is no requirement for quarantine, but it’s probably wise to keep an extra distance from others, just in case.
Sunday, 5 July 2020
Life coming out of lockdown: weeks 14 and 15
As the lockdown measures continue to be relaxed (Corona-Lockerung, as it’s known in Germany), life in Berlin is slowly returning to something resembling normality. At the same time, the number of infections continues to rise, so there is some concern as to whether the restrictions will have to be brought back. There have been reports of outbreaks in Neukölln and Friedrichshain, where entire apartment blocks have been put in quarantine, but at the moment the situation is said to be “under control”.
Lockdown relaxation
As of 27 June, there will no longer be contact restrictions (Kontaktbeschränkungen), meaning that Berliners may meet an unlimited number of people. However, social contacts should be kept to a minimum. The 1.5 m distance and other hygiene rules still apply. Generally, things are a lot more organised, efficient and not as crowded these days. Still, as I found out waiting outside a shop this week, some people here still have trouble understanding the concept of queuing. Also, as restaurants and cafes have been allowed to spread their tables out onto the pavements, getting by can be tricky, especially if you are cycling with a child.
Cycling with children in Berlin
On Monday 22 June I became, in my husband’s words, «a true Berliner», i.e. I shouted back at someone on the street. In Berlin, road rage is a local pastime. Whenever I am out and about, I often hear someone shouting, be it a motorist or a cyclist or a pedestrian. Sometimes it’s justified, while other times it’s unnecessary. Well on Monday I was told off by a man for cycling along the pavement with my son. He pointed to the cycle lane on the road and told me in an arrogant tone: «Das ist der Radweg!» (That is the cycle lane). So, I shouted back: «Und das ist ein Kind!» (And that is a child). I’m really fed up of people telling me off for something that is permitted by law. In case you don’t believe me, this is the link. In Germany, parents are allowed to cycle on the pavement with their children, if they are under the age of 8. Moreover, children under 8 are not allowed to cycle on the road so they have to cycle on the pavement. Thus, they can use cycle tracks (where cyclists are physically separated from traffic), but they can’t use cycle lanes, which are on the road.
Fines for not wearing masks
Despite the popular notion of Germans being law-abiding, not everyone follows the rules. In Berlin there have been reports of illegal parties in parks and fewer people have been wearing face masks on public transport. The Berlin Senate has thus responded by introducing fines between €50 and €500 for violations of the mask-wearing requirement, effective from 27 June. There will also be fines for violations of the hygiene rules.
Corona warning app
The Corona-Warn-app was introduced in Germany last week and since 16 June can be downloaded. The idea is to warn people if they have been in contact with an infected person. Use of the app is voluntary but is recommended to “break chains of infection”. I decided to give it a go and after 8 days of tracking, luckily my risk is defined as low.
Germany reopens its borders
On 15 June Germany reopened its borders to other EU members. As a result, air travel has picked up and we’ve started to hear and see more planes in the sky over Berlin. Nevertheless, airlines continue to cancel flights using the coronavirus as a reason. Almost everyone I’ve spoken to has decided to drive to France, Austria or Italy for the holidays. As one mother at school pointed out: «I have so many airline vouchers, I don’t know what to do with them». We are supposed to be getting a full refund from Lufthansa for a flight that was cancelled only 12 days after we booked it, but we were told we would have to wait 3 months rather than the standard 7 to 10 days.
A trip to the Baltic Sea
Last weekend we went on our first trip away since February. Destination: the Fischland-Darss peninsula on the Baltic Sea, one of our favourite weekend escapes. It’s a great place for walking, cycling and enjoying nature, due to the combination of long white beaches, sand dunes, green forests and lagoons. Hotels in Germany have been gradually reopening since the end of May. In the northeastern state of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, where we went, hotels are restricted to 60% of capacity and staff are required to wear masks. It was difficult to find a room, as most places were fully booked, so we ended up paying more than usual. Still, after months of lockdown it was worth it. We could even enjoy a buffet breakfast at an allocated time slot. When we checked in to the hotel, unfortunately only 8 am or 10:45 am were available so we opted for the earlier time. It wasn’t a typical buffet, as we had to wait in turn at a distance for someone to serve us behind a plastic barrier and hand our plates over at the end. I’m sure people end up eating less when they have to ask for food rather than help themselves. Perhaps this buffet-style breakfast is here to stay. We enjoyed our first swim since the winter holidays; the indoor pool was open, but surprisingly quiet. There were plenty of people on the beach and a handful of very brave swimmers in the sea, naked naturally. In Eastern Germany nudism or FKK (Freikörperkultur) is very popular when swimming in lakes or in the sea, whatever the weather.
Monday, 15 June 2020
Life coming out of lockdown: week 13
When you’ve spent weeks or months indoors, the relaxation of the lockdown measures (Corona-Lockerung, as it’s called in Germany) generally feels like a positive development. However, it might take some time before you can relax and start to enjoy life again. On the one hand, you might be feeling worried about Covid-19, even if the number of infections has dropped. On the other hand, it might feel strange to be outdoors going about your daily life again. You might feel anxious or less confident about certain things, like taking public transport or meeting other people. This is not surprising considering that for the past months we’ve been told to stay at home, not to meet anyone and to keep a distance from others.
Is it safe?
The question I often ask myself these days and I’ve been asked by several of my friends is - is it safe? Is it safe to send our children back to school? Is it safe to take the underground? Is it safe to meet friends? Is it safe to have a coffee in a café? Is it safe to go to a restaurant? Is it safe to travel by plane? Is it safe to go to the gym?
Small steps
If you are feeling worried and anxious, my advice would be to take small steps. You don’t have to do everything at once. Try one activity at a time and see how you feel about it. If you don’t feel safe or if you’re not comfortable with something, you don’t have to do it. In general, being outdoors is safer than being indoors. Try to avoid crowded places. Try to avoid stuffy places. If you have to travel by public transport, try to find a carriage that is not too full, preferably with an open window. Only meet people that you trust. Always carry hand sanitiser with you so that you can wash your hands. Always carry your own pen in case you have to sign a document or write down your contact details. Pay contactless if you can.
Exercising with a group of people
This week I went back to my yoga/pilates studio for the first time since it closed in March. As everywhere else, there were strict hygiene rules. Class sizes have been halved so that we were spread around the room at a 3 m distance. I was asked to wear a face mask, but I was allowed to take it off while exercising. I was also asked to bring my own mat and drink and not to use the changing rooms, except for leaving my bag and jacket. Although I was really grateful for the digital lessons during the lockdown, I definitely prefer being in the same room as my teacher and exercising with a group of people.
Enjoying life outdoors
At the weekend, as the weather improved, I decided to test the open-air swimming pool with my family. I don’t think we’d ever seen Sommerbad Pankow so empty. There was plenty of space to lie on the grass and to swim in the pool. We bought our online tickets for the afternoon slot the day before. You need to purchase an online ticket in advance for all lidos in Berlin this summer. Once again there were strict hygiene rules to follow and certain areas, such as, the paddling pool, the slide and the indoor showers were closed. As there were so few people, it was much more relaxing and quieter than usual. Boosted by this positive experience, we decided to try out the lido (Waldbad) at Liepnitzsee, about 40 Km north of Berlin. Even that was surprisingly empty. The man at the entrance wondered whether people have no money left to spend on leisure activities (€10 for a family of three). We were asked to leave our contact details and were given a card to return when we left, so that they could count the number of bathers (300 is the maximum). If you don’t have the sea nearby, swimming in a lake surrounded by trees is the next best thing and the water isn’t even that cold at the moment.