Monday, 27 September 2021

A new chancellor for Germany (not until Christmas at the earliest) and a female mayor for Berlin

It’s the day after the general election and we still don’t know who will succeed Angela Merkel as German chancellor, after 16 years in power. According to Olaf Scholz, the leader of the Social Democrats (SPD), it should be him, as his centre-left party won the biggest share of the vote (25.7%), albeit by less than two percentage points. However, according to Armin Laschet, the leader of the CDU, he should be the next chancellor, as his centre-right conservative party could still form a coalition government, for instance with the Free Democrats (FDP) and the Greens. 

Too close to call

As expected, the results were very close, and the new coalition government will most likely be formed by three parties and not by two, for the first time since the 1950s. The Greens and FDP will act as kingmakers. Although the CDU came second, it had its worst election result in history (24.1%). Meanwhile the Greens, led by Annalena Baerbock, had their best ever result in a national election (14.8%), although they didn’t perform as well as they (and I) had hoped for. Nevertheless, the Greens are now the third party in Germany, followed by the pro-business party FDP (11.5%) and the anti-immigrant party AfD (10.3%). The left-wing party Die Linke just about managed to get into parliament by securing three direct mandates, though at 4.9% it fell below the 5% threshold needed to get into the Bundestag. 

Let the talks begin

Over the next few weeks and months, the parties will be busy discussing possible coalitions. Last time round it took them until the spring to form a government. This time the hope is that they will find a solution by Christmas. In Germany, the coalitions have funny names depending on their colours. Scholz would prefer a “traffic light” coalition (red-green-yellow) between the SPD, the Greens and the FDP. However, other coalitions are still possible: “Kenya” (black-red-green), “Deutschland” (black-red-yellow), “Jamaica” (black-green-yellow) and grand coalition (black-red). Fortunately, none of the parties want to govern with the far-right AfD.

The election results by geography

If you break down the results by geography, the north of Germany and parts of the west are red (SPD), the south and the remaining parts of the west are black (CDU/CSU), while the east is blue (AFD). If you zoom in into the cities, most of them are green or mainly green. For instance, Leipzig is a red/green island in a blue sea, Munich is a mainly green island in a black sea, Frankfurt is a green island surrounded by red and black, while Cologne and Stuttgart are red/green. Berlin is green in the centre (Mitte, Pankow, Kreuzberg, Friedrichshain, Schöneberg, Charlottenburg) and red in the surrounding neighbourhoods. I find it rather ironic that people who live in cities seem to worry more about the environment than people who live in the countryside, but clearly this election wasn’t just about the environment.

Queues and chaos in Berlin 

There were long queues at polling stations in Berlin yesterday. In some cases, people had to wait for up to two hours to vote. Officially polling stations were open from 8 am to 6 pm, but anyone who was in the queue by 6 pm was allowed to stay and vote. Anyone who showed up after 6 pm was sent away. The elections in Berlin were rather chaotic: in some places the ballot papers ran out! Things were made even more complicated by the fact that the Berlin marathon was also happening yesterday so many of the main streets were closed. 

The Berlin election

As well as the general election, Berliners were voting in local elections and a referendum. As a non-German EU citizen, I was only able to vote for my local district council (not even for the Berlin parliament), so I only had one ballot paper and one box to tick, but German nationals had several ballot papers and six votes in total. As far as I know, it is not possible to have British and German nationality now that the UK has left the EU, but do let me know if I am wrong. In any case, I already have two nationalities, but I would be interested in acquiring a third one if it meant I could vote.

The first female mayor for Berlin

In Berlin, the SPD is the first party, while the Greens are the second party (up by 3.7% from the previous elections), followed by the CDU and Die Linke. Meanwhile, Franziska Giffey (still not quite sure how to pronounce her name!) is set to become Berlin’s first female mayor. Apparently, she is open to coalition talks with all parties, except for the AfD, but it is likely that Berlin will continue to have a red-red-green government. As the Tagesspiegel put it, “Berlin will keinen Wechsel aber mehr Grün” i.e. Berlin doesn’t want a change, but it wants more Green. 

Sunday, 23 May 2021

Biergartens in Berlin reopen but schools remain part-time

Berlin is slowly emerging from months of lockdown. With the incidence number now well below 100, the emergency brake is no longer in place. So, no more curfew and no more appointments to enter a shop, though you still need to show proof of a negative Covid test, or you need to be fully vaccinated. 

Beer gardens and outdoor restaurants reopen for Whitsun

The Berlin government has decided to relax other coronavirus restrictions. Museums, outdoor cinemas, beer gardens, cafés and restaurants with outdoor seating, as well as outdoor swimming pools, have all reopened this week, in time for Whitsun (Pfingsten in German), though with limitations and proof of a negative Covid test or vaccination certificate required. Even the football stadium reopened to 2,000  Union Berlin fans yesterday. Shame about the weather, not ideal for outdoor swimming!

No change to schools

You would have thought that reopening schools would have been one of the local government’s priorities, especially now that children wear surgical masks all the time and are tested for Covid twice a week. Well think again. The Berlin Senate Department for Education, Youth and Family has decided that schools will not return to normal before the start of the summer holidays, regardless of the incidence number. The reason indicated is to avoid burdening schools with organisational changes so close to the summer holidays, which begin on 24 June. Apparently, it’s not worth disrupting the status quo “only” for five weeks. This means that schools will continue to function on a part-time basis, with pupils attending only a few hours a week.

Children and families 

Children in Berlin have not had access to regular schooling since mid-December. At the moment, all pupils in Berlin are allowed to go to school, but classes are halved so this means they are taught only for a few hours a day or a couple of days per week, depending on the decision taken by each individual school. As well as being extremely damaging to children’s education, social development and mental well-being, this model called Wechselunterricht also puts an enormous strain on families, because children have to be home-schooled when they can’t physically attend. Just to give you an idea, my son used to have 28 hours of lessons at school per week. Since the end of February, when schools reopened, he has only attended for 12 or 13 hours per week. The rest of the time he has been studying at home with me. 

Children have a right to education

In my opinion, children in Berlin are being denied their right to an education. It seems that it’s more important to boost alcohol consumption in pubs than to teach children in a school environment in the company of other children. My eight-year-old hasn’t seen some of his school friends for five months or has only been able to wave at them from behind school gates. I’m not the only one to be concerned about children’s mental health. A group of 27 pediatricians, psychiatrists and social workers have signed a letter to the mayor Michael Müller and the education senator Sandra Scheeres demanding the immediate return to regular school. They have witnessed a worrying increase in the number of children and young people suffering from depression, media addiction and weight problems in recent months.  

Sign the petition

There is an online petition asking for schools to return to normal, in view of lower incidence numbers. So far it has reached 3,400 signatures, which doesn’t seem a lot considering Berlin has a population of 3.8 million. Some parents are clearly outraged, while others seem to agree with the decision or are not too bothered. They’re simply holding out until the holidays. Some say it’s because incidence numbers amongst children are higher, while others point out that not all teachers have been vaccinated. This may be true, but it’s not the reason given by the senate. To me it is a matter of principle. Why can 2,000 fans celebrate and drink beer outside the stadium without any social distancing, when children can’t go to school normally? It seems absurd. What do you think? Will you sign the petition?

Friday, 30 April 2021

The new normal

It’s 7 am on a Monday morning and my son’s Covid self-test kit is on the breakfast table next to the cereal bowls and the mugs of tea. This is one of the latest developments in the constantly changing new normal. Since mid-April, school children in Germany as young as six need to self-test twice a week. These rapid tests have been especially designed for children and involve a shallow nasal swab. They're a bit uncomfortable but at least they're not painful! This is supposedly our last home test; next time will be at school. We are the lucky ones, since schools in Berlin are still open, though things are far from normal (surgical masks are now compulsory on school premises and classrooms, while classes are still halved and school ends earlier than usual). In other parts of Germany, however, schools have closed once again following the introduction of new measures to control the spread of Coronavirus infections. 


While several European countries with similar or even higher Covid incidence rates have started relaxing restrictions, in Germany the emergency brake or Notbremse came into effect last Saturday. This is the latest attempt by the government to try to bring down the number of Covid infections during the third wave. They tried to shut down the country completely for five days over Easter but failed. The highly controversial move would have meant the closure even of supermarkets and grocery shops. A few days after the announcement of this plan, I received a WhatsApp message from a friend: “Have you heard the latest? They’ve scrapped the Easter lockdown! Was it all a joke?” I quickly got on to the Tagesspiegel website. In a video Angela Merkel was apologising for the mistake. I’m not sure what was most shocking: the sudden U-turn or seeing a politician admit they had made a mistake and were taking full responsibility.

Emergency Brake

As Germany is made up of 16 federal states, and each one can choose its own restrictions, Angela Merkel has been struggling to get every state to play by the same rules, hence the nationwide “emergency brake" law voted by the German parliament last week. This is applied when the seven-day incidence rate rises above 100 cases per 100,000 residents for three days in a row. For the first time the measures include an overnight curfew from 10 pm to 5 am (you can still go for a jog until midnight). Non-essential shops are still open, but if you want to go shopping you need to make an appointment and show a negative Covid test. If the incidence rate is above 150, shops are only open for “click-and-collect”.  You can still go to the hairdresser, but again you need a negative Covid test. Children under 14 can still play sports outdoors but only in small groups and their trainers need - you guessed it - a negative Covid test! If the incidence rate reaches 165, schools have to close and switch to home schooling. At the moment, the incidence rate in Berlin is around 135. So fingers crossed!

Test, test, test

While many businesses are struggling to survive or are having to close permanently, Covid test centres are in high demand, judging by the queues outside. These days you need a negative Covid test for most things, except going to the doctor’s or the supermarket. 

Pandemic fatigue 

After over a year of Covid restrictions and changing rules, more and more people are feeling fed up. This time last year the German government was being praised for its prompt and competent response to the pandemic. Now confidence is wavering and more people are bending the rules, as it gets increasingly challenging to keep up with the changes. The other day as I was reading the latest news over breakfast my son asked: “Does the information change every day?” “No, darling. It changes every hour”. Whether it’s about which mask to wear (FFP2 is compulsory almost everywhere these days, but in some places and situations you can still wear a surgical mask), vaccines (initially AstraZeneca was administered only to the under 65s, but now it’s only for people aged over 60 due to concerns over blood clots), schools (open or closed?), tests (self-test or test centres? PCR or rapid test?), social contacts (one household or more?) - the list is endless – we’re being confronted with constantly changing rules and information but no long-term plan in sight.

Fake news, protests and satire

Fake news and conspiracy theories about coronavirus and vaccines are rife. What coronavirus? It’s all an invention. Did you know that the Astrazeneca jab can turn you into a monkey? Meanwhile, protests by Querdenker, or Covid deniers, are getting louder and more radical. Police have been investigating a “death list”, which has been circulating on the internet, with the names of German politicians who voted in favour of the emergency break. Last week a group of German actors who posted satirical videos making fun of the coronavirus restrictions came under heavy criticism and were accused of being Querdenker. Many of these actors have withdrawn their videos from the campaign’s website called Alles dicht machen (close everything down) after the videos were praised by the far-right party AFD. Despite the growing disgruntlement, there is still strong support for a hard lockdown in Germany, according to the polls.

The coldest April in 40 years

These days whenever someone asks the question “How are you?” it is generally followed by a pause, as the person stops to think. It’s difficult to know how we feel after 13 months of disruption to our lives. The weather is not helping either. Although it looks like spring, with pink and white cherry blossoms brightening up the streets and the days getting longer - it doesn’t feel like spring. This has in fact been the coldest April since 1980. We can only hope that things will improve in May. At least the vaccination campaign is picking up momentum, as doctors (GPs and specialists) have started vaccinating in their surgeries; until recently Covid jabs were only given in designated vaccination centres. I’m still hoping the summer can be saved and we’ll be free to travel and visit our families, but it will take a miracle!

Humour in coronavirus time

This week I watched a documentary on Arte called Viral Humour - Telling Jokes in Corona Times. It shows how humour can help us through hard times and how it evolved through the pandemic. Some of the jokes are very funny. I recommend watching it if you feel like a laugh.